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The Big Brother Bible

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25 Years of America's
Summertime Guilty Pleasure

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About the Book

Here is your key to the Big Brother house. Step inside and uncover the hidden secrets and untold stories of America’s summertime guilty pleasure. Based on unprecedented access, including stunning interviews with more than one hundred producers and
contestants, the Big Brother Bible offers a rare glimpse into the evolution of a pioneering social experiment that has captivated viewers with its drama, strategy and twists, for nearly a quarter century.


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"Raise your right hand, and place your other on this bible, because Big Brother court is in session. Brody leaves no stone unturned in this probing look at CBS’s long-running summer hit."


Hank Norman, founding partner, 2 Market Media

"This book will take you behind the curtain and answer all of your burning questions about how Big Brother is made."


Sabrina Dias, season 21 contestant, NBC's The Voice

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